We have numerous ways you can help us right from your home! From publishing adoptable cats and kittens and more! Inquire about how you can help today.
If you have experience with fundraising and/or event promotion and are looking for ways to help in your community we would love to talk to you.,
Our rescue facility is always in need of skilled laborers who can help repair, enhance or upgrade our adoption center. If you are looking for ways to utilize your talents we could sure use your help!
Let's face it, kittens are messy and adults can be too! If you have an hour or two a week to spare and would like to help with a room in our adoption center by volunteering your time to help maintain a clean living environment, contact us today!
Have you always wanted to help but weren't sure how? We need kitten cuddlers. If you just want to hang out and pet the kitties- we need that too!
A $15 monthly donation will spay 2 cats a year. $25 monthly will spay 5 cats a year or provide rabies vaccinations to 30 cats. $50 a month will spay 10 cats a year or provide our vaccines for a year! No amount is too small.
We manage a “Pet Food Bank” at our local Union Mission and can always use cat and dog food donations or volunteers.
Please consider sponsoring one of our resident cats. The money you spend on that cat frees our money to help other cats.
You can make a tax deductible donation through the following link and no fees will be deducted when using this link:
Help us earn money simply by shopping at Kroger. Call 866-221-4141 or www.kroger.com/communityrewardscard. Our number is YD193 and we will receive 5% of your total purchase.
We also recycle clean aluminum cans. You can drop them by the rescue any time. We recycle ink cartridges as well and can always use plastic bags.
This is our Walmart link for items needed at the rescue.
You can also go to Amazon.com to purchses these items we need as well.
-cat carriers-traps-Flea Treatments-Cat Beds-Treats
Your support and contributions will enable us to provide sanctuary for cats that are not candidates for adoption and the endless stream of cats and kittens in need of our help.
874 Littlesburg Road, Bluefield, West Virginia 24701, United States